
Upcoming Events

Join us for upcoming events where we seek to connect with the God of Creation (Matthew 22:37-38), connect with the Body of Christ (Matthew 22:39), and connect with our community, state, nation, and the world (Acts 1:8) to share the saving message of the Gospel.

Sunday School

We invite you to join us for Sunday School at the Poplar Springs Baptist Church campus on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m.

Summer Camp

Summer Camp is June 9th-13th. We will need to know who's going by February 2nd. A deposit is due February 3rd. Fuge Camp is for students who have completed the 6th grade. However, any student who has not completed the 6th grade will have the opportunity to attend Centrikids, which will also be held at […]

Summer Camp

Summer Camp is June 9th-13th. We will need to know who's going by February 2nd. A deposit is due February 3rd. Fuge Camp is for students who have completed the 6th grade. However, any student who has not completed the 6th grade will have the opportunity to attend Centrikids, which will also be held at […]

Summer Camp

Summer Camp is June 9th-13th. We will need to know who's going by February 2nd. A deposit is due February 3rd. Fuge Camp is for students who have completed the 6th grade. However, any student who has not completed the 6th grade will have the opportunity to attend Centrikids, which will also be held at […]

Summer Camp

Summer Camp is June 9th-13th. We will need to know who's going by February 2nd. A deposit is due February 3rd. Fuge Camp is for students who have completed the 6th grade. However, any student who has not completed the 6th grade will have the opportunity to attend Centrikids, which will also be held at […]

Summer Camp

Summer Camp is June 9th-13th. We will need to know who's going by February 2nd. A deposit is due February 3rd. Fuge Camp is for students who have completed the 6th grade. However, any student who has not completed the 6th grade will have the opportunity to attend Centrikids, which will also be held at […]

Summer Camp

Summer Camp is June 9th-13th. We will need to know who's going by February 2nd. A deposit is due February 3rd. Fuge Camp is for students who have completed the 6th grade. However, any student who has not completed the 6th grade will have the opportunity to attend Centrikids, which will also be held at […]

Summer Camp

Summer Camp is June 9th-13th. We will need to know who's going by February 2nd. A deposit is due February 3rd. Fuge Camp is for students who have completed the 6th grade. However, any student who has not completed the 6th grade will have the opportunity to attend Centrikids, which will also be held at […]

Sunday School

We invite you to join us for Sunday School at the Poplar Springs Baptist Church campus on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m.